Location: San José, Costa Rica
Theme: Connecting This Generation
Dates: 4-7 December 2024



Location: Pomezia, Italy
Theme: Expand the Kingdom
Dates: 23-27 June 2025


Location: Colombia
Theme: TBA
Dates: 9-12 July 2025


Location: Jamaica
Theme: TBA
Dates: 15-19 July 2025


Location: São Tomé & Príncipe
Theme: TBA
Dates: 23-27 July 2025


Location: Phuket, Thailand
Theme: Mission of the Heart
Dates: 25-28 July 2025


Location: Harare, Zimbabwe
Theme: TBA
Dates: 11-15 August 2025


The regional conferences events are a celebration of sections of our family worldwide who have unique contexts, languages, and challenges. These events offer an important opportunity for all to be encouraged and challenged, and to be inspired and strengthened for ministry and mission.

The regional conferences also offer key times to network and collaborate in a variety of ministry and mission areas. Throughout the conferences and their associated network and elective sessions you will be able to meet people who have similar challenges and can provide new perspectives or solutions. You will also discover valuable resources and partners for your areas of ministry. But most of all, you will gather lifelong friends and contacts who will provide you with a valuable ministry network as you continue to serve the Lord in your context.

Christ through the work of the Spirit seeks to envelope us and unite us in his love, so that we are launched into ministry and mission together. So let us together put love where love is not, for unity is mission.


It is with great excitement that we announce the first IBCM Network connected European Youth Conference in 2024. Following the enthusiasm of the Youth at IBCM8, regional Youth Ambassadors continued to gather. The European Youth Ambassadors have met and have agreed to join with the Polish Youth Team in the hosting of the first European Youth Conference. The theme of the conference is “Finding Peace”. We encourage Youth from all European countries not to miss an opportunity to connect with other youth from our network of churches and to engage with the challenges and possibilities of the current youth culture for the glory of God and the extension of His Kingdom. 

LOCATION: Wisla, Poland

DATES: 19 to 22 September 2024
1. Youth Leaders Forum – 19-20 September 2024 (arrive Thursday 19 September).
Forum commences 9.30 AM to 16.30 PM on Friday 20 September. Forum includes Youth Panel on contemporary issues and sessions on Youth Leadership.  
2. Youth Conference – 20-22 September 2024. Commences with dinner on 20 September finishes with lunch on Sunday 22 September.  Program to come. 

TRANSPORT: Provided from Krakow Airport to Wisla on 19 and 20 September, and from Wisla to Krakow Airport on afternoon of 22 September. Cost €30.

ACCOMMODATION: Hotel rooms within 5 to 10 minutes walking from the conference center.

THEME: Finding Peace 
We live in a world of paradox. More technology – less relationships. More knowledge – less wisdom. More man – less God. More calmness – less peace. Slowly our MORE becomes our LESS. And the PEACE we desperately cry out for seems to be less and less reachable. Sooner or later we find that God’s MORE becomes our MORE. Peace can be found in a world that seems to have less and less of it. Peace has a name and changes every generation. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

COST in euros (Early Bird Prices – to June 30):
1. Conference, Accommodation, Meals – 20-22 September – €145
2. Conference, Accommodation, Meals, Transport – 20-22 September – €180
3. Conference & Youth Leaders Forum, Accommodation, Meals – 19-22 September – €200
4. Conference & Youth Leaders Forum, Accommodation, Meals, Transport – 19-22 September €235
5. Child rate – Conference, Accommodation, Meals, Transport
(Registration closes on August 31, 2024)
($50 non-refundable deposit required upon registration)


DR DAVID SMITH (Australia) – International Director of IBCM Network – David has been part of the IBCM ministry since 2011. He has a background in a variety of business, management, pastoral, mission, teaching, and academic roles. He is involved in leadership training, preaching and overseas mission, having a heart for people to be gripped by God’s grace and equipped for a life of passionate service. As the International Training Director of Australian College of Christian Studies (ACCS) he lectures and teaches internationally in the fields of Pastoral Ministry, Leadership, Preaching, Theology and Hermeneutics. Cross culturally, he has been involved in leading International Mission Teams to Cambodia and Africa since 2008. David completed his Masters research in the area of preaching, his work is entitled “The Preaching Community” and his Doctoral studies in the field of ecclesiology. David is the author of “Hidden Agendas”, “The Model Church”, “Connecting” and “God So Loves”.

DR TIM SAVAGE (UK) – International Director of the Gospel Coalition – (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Cambridge) is a pastor, author, conference speaker, and International Director of The Gospel Coalition. He has ministered in churches in Texas, England, and Arizona, and in over 25 countries in Europe. He loves especially speaking to young adults and seeing them give their lives fully to Jesus Christ. Living in the UK, Tim and his wife, Lesli, have two sons, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren. Tim has written several books, including Power through Weakness: Paul’s Understanding of the Christian Ministry, No Ordinary Marriage: Together for God’s Glory, and Discovering the Good Life: The Surprising Riches Available in Christ (Crossway). Originally from southern California, Tim grew up in beach culture and loves to surf.

MARK SWAIM (USA) – Mark and his wife, Tami, were commended by a brethren assembly to the work of the Lord in 1998. They first served the Lord in Poland from 1998-2008. At the end of 2008, the Lord directed them back to the USA to care for a child on the autism spectrum.  Since then, Mark has returned to Poland several times per year to teach the Word of God and preach the gospel.  Today his ministry takes him to Poland and Portugal, as well as many places in North America. Mark and Tami have 6 children.  They are based in Lancaster, PA. USA.

JONASZ MALKIEWICZ (POLAND) – Jonasz is a leader of the youth generation with many engaging passions. The greatest of them are mission, preaching, and fatherhood. He has served for 8 years in full time service with wife Sabina and three mini-sionaries: Adam, Gabriel and Miriam. He is currently leader of the strategic mission among the young generations “Projekt G5.1” in the Brethren Church in Poland, an elder of the Brethren Church SYLOE in Brzeszcze near Oświęcim and a member of IBCM Europe. Jonasz enjoys steering wheels, headset mics, traveling, and his wife’s paintings. He loves to see what is yet to come and help discover what a man is meant to be.


Es con gran entusiasmo que anunciamos la primera Conferencia de Jóvenes de Centroamérica conectada a la Red IBCM en diciembre de 2024. Tras el entusiasmo de los jóvenes en IBCM8, los Embajadores Juveniles regionales en Centroamérica vieron la necesidad de crear conexiones saludables entre jóvenes de diferentes países. Esto proporcionará a la
generación más joven una visión más clara de lo que Dios está haciendo en todo el mundo y los animará a desempeñar un papel más importante en el ministerio y la misión del reino de Dios. El tema de esta conferencia inaugural es “Conectando a esta generación”. Alentamos a los jóvenes de todos los países de Centroamérica a no perder la oportunidad de conectarse con otros jóvenes de nuestra red de iglesias y de involucrarse con los desafíos y posibilidades de la cultura juvenil actual para la gloria de Dios y la extensión de Su Reino.

UBICACIÓN: San José, Costa Rica

FECHAS: 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2024. (comienza con el almuerzo a las 12:00 del 4 de diciembre y concluye a la 1:00 pm del 7 de diciembre)

TRANSPORTE: Del Aeropuerto de San José al centro de conferencias el 4 de diciembre. Del centro de conferencias al Aeropuerto de San José el 7 de diciembre. Costo $15.

ALOJAMIENTO: En campamento Roble Alto (roblealto.com)

TEMA: Conectando  esta generación
Vivimos en un mundo fracturado y distraído. Estamos desconectados de Dios, de nuestro corazón, de los demás y de generación en generación. Este no era el diseño de Dios. Fuimos diseñados para estar conectados con él y entre nosotros en una perfecta relación amorosa, sin importar la edad, la cultura o el grupo étnico. ¿Podemos encontrar un nuevo camino en el que estemos más conectados generacional, cultural y personalmente con Dios y entre nosotros?

COSTO en dólares estadounidenses (Precios anticipados – hasta el 1 de octubre):
1. Conferencia completa – Conferencia, alojamiento, comidas – $130
2. Solo Conferencia – Conferencia, 2 comidas (almuerzo y cena) – $90
3. Niños – 3-12 años – $90
4. Bebés – 0-2 años – $20
(El transporte de $15 tiene un costo adicional)
($50 de depósito no reembolsable requerido al registrarse)

It is with great excitement that we announce the first IBCM Network connected Central America Youth Conference in December 2024. Following the enthusiasm of the Youth at IBCM8, regional Youth Ambassadors in Central America saw the need to create healthy connections between young people from different countries. This will provide the younger generation with a clearer vision of what God is doing worldwide, and encourage them to play a greater role in the ministry and mission of the kingdom of God. The theme for this inaugural conference is “Connecting This Generation”. We encourage Youth from all the countries in Central America not to miss an opportunity to connect with other youth from our network of churches and to engage with the challenges and possibilities of the current youth culture for the glory of God and the extension of His Kingdom. 

LOCATION: San José, Costa Rica

DATES: 4 to 7 December 2024 (commences with lunch at 12:00 noon Dec 4 and concludes at 1:00pm on Dec 7)

TRANSPORT: From San José Airport to the conference centre on December 4. From the conference centre to San José Airport on December 7. Cost $15.

ACCOMMODATION: At camp Roble Alto, San José de Montaña.

THEME: Connecting This Generation
We live in a fractured and distracted world. We are disconnected from God, from our hearts, from each other, and from generation to generation. This was not God’s desing. We were designed to be connected to him and to each other in perfect loving relationship, no matter what the age, culture, or ethnic group. Can we find a new path where we are more connected generationally, culturally, and personally, to God and each other?

COST in US Dollars (Early Bird Prices – to October 1):
1. Full Conference – Conference, Accommodation, Meals – $130
2. Conference Only – Conference, 2 meals (Lunch & Dinner) – $90
3. Children – 3-12 years – $90
4. Infants – 0-2 years – $20
(Transport of $15 is an additional cost)
($50 non-refundable deposit required upon registration)


MARCOS CAIN (Canada) – Marcos Cain and his wife Alison were entrusted to the work of the Lord in 1996, moving from Halifax, Canada to Mexico. They lived in Puerto Vallarta for a short time to learn Spanish, and then went to Tepic, Nayarit in 1997. They saw the hand of God at work in that city with the formation of an assembly, and they also worked in Santiago Ixcuintla, a small city one hour from Tepic, where there has also been an assembly for several years. In 2010 they moved to Hermosillo, Sonora to help with the work there. At the same time, Marcos traveled not only to different parts of Mexico to preach the Gospel and teach the Scriptures, but also in parts of Central America and the United States of America he helped. At the end of 2022, they returned to Halifax, Canada, but he is still involved in the work in Spanish in different parts. He also edits a digital magazine (mensajeromexicano.com) that is published eleven times a year. They have four adult children and two grandchildren.

Marcos Cain y su esposa Alison fueron encomendados a la obra del Señor en 1996, mudándose de Halifax, Canadá a México. Vivieron en Puerto Vallarta por un corto tiempo para aprender español, y luego se fueron a Tepic, Nayarit en 1997. Vieron la mano de Dios obrando en esa ciudad con la formación de una asamblea, y también trabajaron en Santiago Ixcuintla, un pequeña ciudad a una hora de Tepic, donde también hay una asamblea desde hace varios años. En 2010 se mudaron a Hermosillo, Sonora para ayudar con el trabajo allí. Al mismo tiempo, Marcos viajó no sólo a diferentes partes de México para predicar el Evangelio y enseñar las Escrituras, sino también a partes de Centroamérica y los Estados Unidos de América a las que ayudó. A finales de 2022 regresaron a Halifax, Canadá, pero él sigue involucrado en el trabajo en español en diferentes partes. También edita una revista digital (mensajeromexicano.com) que se publica once veces al año. Tienen cuatro hijos adultos y dos nietos.

ISRAEL CASTRO (El Salvador) – Israel Castro and his wife Elizabeth have been working full-time in the work of the Lord since 2018 in El Salvador, helping the Assemblies of the West and Center of the Country with Biblical teaching, dedicating their time to preaching the gospel in rural areas. For a long time they have worked with Children and Young People of different ages in the country. For several years it was controlled by gangs where insecurity was very great and during that time if they wanted to work in some areas they had to first talk to the gang leader and have permission to work with children, young people or in evangelization. Currently, security is improved in their country and there is greater opportunity to develop work.

Israel Castro y su esposa Isabel trabajan a tiempo completo en la obra del Señor desde 2018 en El Salvador, ayudando a las Asambleas de Occidente y Centro del País con la enseñanza bíblica, dedicando su tiempo a predicar el evangelio en las zonas rurales. Desde hace mucho tiempo trabajan con Niños y Jóvenes de diferentes edades del país. Durante varios años el pasis estuvo controlado por pandillas donde la inseguridad era muy grande y durante ese tiempo si querían trabajar en algunas zonas primero tenían que hablar con el líder de la pandilla y tener permiso para trabajar con niños, jóvenes o en evangelización. Actualmente, la seguridad ha mejorado en su país y hay mayor oportunidad de desarrollarse laboralmente.

DR DAVID SMITH (Australia) – International Director of IBCM Network – David has been part of the IBCM ministry since 2011. He has a background in a variety of business, management, pastoral, mission, teaching, and academic roles. He is involved in leadership training, preaching and overseas mission, having a heart for people to be gripped by God’s grace and equipped for a life of passionate service. As the International Training Director of Australian College of Christian Studies (ACCS) he lectures and teaches internationally in the fields of Pastoral Ministry, Leadership, Preaching, Theology and Hermeneutics. Cross culturally, he has been involved in leading International Mission Teams to Cambodia and Africa since 2008. David completed his Masters research in the area of preaching, his work is entitled “The Preaching Community” and his Doctoral studies in the field of ecclesiology. David is the author of “Hidden Agendas”, “The Model Church”, “Connecting” and “God So Loves”.

Director Internacional de la Red IBCM – David ha sido parte del ministerio IBCM desde 2011. Tiene experiencia en una variedad de roles empresariales, administrativos, pastorales, misioneros, docentes y académicos. Está involucrado en la capacitación de liderazgo, la predicación y la misión en el extranjero, y tiene un corazón para que las personas sean cautivadas por la gracia de Dios y equipadas para una vida de servicio apasionado. Como Director de Capacitación Internacional del Colegio Australiano de Estudios Cristianos (ACCS), da conferencias y enseña internacionalmente en los campos de Ministerio Pastoral, Liderazgo, Predicación, Teología y Hermenéutica. Interculturalmente, ha estado involucrado en liderar equipos misioneros internacionales en Camboya y África desde 2008. David completó su investigación de maestría en el área de la predicación, su trabajo se titula “La comunidad de predicación” y sus estudios de doctorado en el campo de la eclesiología. David es autor de “Agendas ocultas”, “La iglesia modelo”, “Conectando” y “Dios ama tanto”.


It is with great joy that we announce the upcoming IBCM Network connected European Regional Conference to be held in Italy in 2025. The IBCM Network Europe Committee together with the churches in Italy will host this conference in Rome. The theme of the conference is “Expanding the Kingdom,” focusing our attention on renewing and growing our churches to become loving communities planting loving communities.  We encourage all from European countries together with those seeking to engage in church renewal and church planting not to miss an opportunity to connect with others from our network of churches and to engage with the challenges and possibilities for the glory of God and the extension of His Kingdom. 

LOCATION: Rome, Italy

DATES: 23-27 June 2025

TRANSPORT: Provided from Rome (Fiumicino) Airport to Conference Centre on 23 June, and from Conference Centre to Rome (Fiumicino) Airport on 27 June. €15 cost each way, Indicate in registration form..

CONFERENCE CENTRE: Hotel Antonella, Pomezia, Rome.

ACCOMMODATION: Hotel rooms at or near conference center.

THEME: Expanding the Kingdom – loving communities planting loving communities

COST in euros (Early Bird Prices – to December 31):
1. SHARED – Conference, Accommodation (shared room), Meals – €450
2. SINGLE – Conference, Accommodation (single room), Meals – €570
3. CONFERENCE ONLY – Conference, Lunch & Dinner – €300
4. CHILDREN – Conference, Accommodation, Meals – €200
5. INFANTS – Conference, Accommodation, Meals – €50
(Prices will increase by €50 after January 31, 2025)
(Registration closes on May 31, 2025)
($50 non-refundable deposit required upon registration)

Garry Blair (UK) – Garry is a first generation Christian from Scotland and graduated from Tilsley College in 1992. He moved into full time Christian work, first in the GLO Bookshop for three years, followed by 10 years with his wife Kim, in church planting in the greater Marseille area, France. In 2008 they returned to Scotland and Garry pursued further postgraduate studies in Biblical Interpretation. He was part of the Tilsley College resident team until the Covid years and still teaches there as a visiting lecturer. He has an extensive itinerant ministry as well as being a teaching elder in New Craig Community Church, Motherwell, which was planted 10 years ago. For a number of years, Garry balanced these ministries while he was a full-time carer for Kim, his wife, who was recently called home in May 2024. As he tries to adjust to life without Kim, he is currently taking the time to reflect and pray over possible avenues of service in the future. He is father of three children: Amy (19), who recently married Daniel and they serve with the Heralds Trust Scotland; Benjamin (18) and Charis (15) who both have the same muscle-wasting illness his wife suffered from.
He is very much looking forward to sharing God’s Word with all who come to IBCM, Rome.


It is with great joy that we announce the upcoming IBCM Network connected Asia Pacific (PITH) Regional Conference to be held in Thailand in 2025. The IBCM Network Asia Pacific Committee together with the churches in Thailand will host this conference in Phuket. The theme of the conference is “Mission of the Heart,” focusing our attention on care for our own hearts, pastoral care and counseling within the church, and loving care as mission.  We encourage all from Asia and the Pacific countries (including Australia and New Zealand) together with those seeking to engage in the area of pastoral care and counseling not to miss an opportunity to connect with others from our network of churches and to engage with the challenges and possibilities for the glory of God and the extension of His Kingdom. 

LOCATION: Phuket, Thailand

DATES: 25-28 July 2025

TRANSPORT: Provided from Phhuket Airport to Conference Centre on 25 July, and from Conference Centre to Phuket Airport on 28 July.

CONFERENCE CENTRE: Boat Lagoon Phuket Resort

ACCOMMODATION: Hotel rooms at or near conference center.

THEME: Mission of the Heart

COST in US$ (Early Bird Prices – to December 31):
1. SHARED – Conference, Accommodation (shared room), Meals, Transport – US$300
2. SINGLE – Conference, Accommodation (single room), Meals, Transport – US$360
3. CONFERENCE ONLY – Conference, Lunch & Dinner – US$190
4. CHILDREN – Conference, Accommodation, Meals, Transport – US$150
5. INFANTS – Conference, Accommodation, Meals – US$50
6. THAILAND – Conference only for Thailand participants – Baht 6600
7. THAILAND – Daily rate for Thailand Participants – Baht 2600
(Prices will increase by US$30 after January 3, 2025)
(Registration closes on June 30, 2025)
($50 non-refundable deposit required upon registration)


DR BEN MATHEW (USA) – With his family from India and being born and raised in Canada, Ben has always appreciated the integration of cultures and ideas and was blessed to be involved in several ministries in his home, church, and community. With degrees in Counseling, Psychology, and Theology, Ben also enjoys the integration and collaboration of various academic disciplines. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Emmaus Bible College and continued his graduate work at Dallas Theological Seminary, earning an MA in Counseling and a PhD in Psychology from Northcentral University. Ben worked in the Dallas area for several years in private practice and at the nationally known Minirth Clinic, specializing in adolescent rehab and treatment of mental health issues. For the past two decades, Ben has been involved in higher education, helping to develop students and others to think critically and holistically about their faith, profession, and care for others. He served for over 20 years at Emmaus Bible College in various positions, most recently as a Professor and Chair of the Counseling Psychology department. Ben is a Board-Certified Counselor (NCC) and currently serves as a Professor of Clinical Counseling in the Graduate Counseling Programs (MA & PhD) at Columbia International University (ciu.edu). He also maintains a small counseling practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor in South Carolina, where he lives with his wife, Jenna, and their four children.

GODLY KOSHY RAJU (India) – Godly along with his wife Becky and son Evan are missionaries serving in Pune, India. They have been involved in ministry for over 10 years in Bangalore and now Pune. They both are engineers but as the Lord called them for ministry, they pursued their Bible and Counseling from Emmaus Bible College. Godly did his masters in Family Life Education from Bangalore. Currently they are helping with a church plant in Pune, youth ministry with the assemblies and Crossroads and as a Counsellor at Urban India Ministries. He is part of the faculty for the M.A. in counselling offered by UIM. Godly is the author of a book “Basic Counselling” used by Emmaus Academy, India and has helped establish Streams of Water – India, a team of youngsters that helps reach assembly youths in various ways. In his free time, he loves spending time with the community, exploring new foods, biking, playing sports and aqua scaping.


26-30 September, 2022 | Durres, Albania | Grand Blue Fafa Resort

Strategic Addresses
1. INSPIRATION – The Role of The Spirit in our Kingdom Work – Allan McKinnon (UK)
2. ENVISIONING – What does the Lord show us today? – Andrzej Turkanik (Poland/Austria)
3. MOTIVATION – Finishing our race well – Michael Wickham (Spain)
4. KINGDOM – The place of suffering in the Kingdom – Simon Marshall (UK)

Bible Topic Sessions
1. When the Holy Spirit speaks. (Acts 13) – Frederic Walraven (Netherlands)
2. Seeing and hearing new things. (Acts 16) – Peter Kozar (Slovakia)
3. The value of my Life In light of the task (Acts 20) – Frederic Walraven (Netherlands)
4. With all boldness without hindrance! (Acts 28) – Alfred Mustafa (Albania)

Workshop topics
Apologetics | Leadership | Mission | Ethics | Bible Today | Church Life


Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | June 19-24 | 2023